The priorities and focus for mature staff networks will be different to those in the early stages of development. As a network grows, some of its initial aims and priorities will evolve, which can lead to new opportunities.

So how can you help your employee network to mature? From setting strategy to measuring impact, here are some tips to help your network thrive.

  1. STRATEGY: As a mature network, you would have tried and tested different ways to make an impact and thrive. Consider what new strategies could move your network forward. This might involve focusing on an area which previously you hadn’t covered, exploring an issue that affects your members in greater depth or even looking at how to have greater impact with the resources that you have.
  2. IDENTITY: Many networks start out based around a single characteristic, for example, a gender diversity network. You might have based your vision and objectives for your network based on this single identity. However, as your network has grown and conversations around diversity and inclusion have shifted, not only could the identity of the network have evolved but many members will have multiple ( or intersectional ) ways in which they identify; for example, a female with a disability or a female who is also an ethnic minority. Think about how you can engage those multiple voices in new ways.
  3. STAKEHOLDER INFLUENCE: As a mature network you may have relationships with stakeholders which have been well established over time. This is useful when thinking about partnership working and gives your network a voice, when you need to ‘nudge’ things along. However, there are always new opportunities to build both broader and deeper relationships for impact and learning. There may be other stakeholders not directly in your sphere of influence, who it would be good to work with.
  4. MEASURING IMPACT: Measuring the impact and effectiveness of your network is particularly important not only to understanding your network needs and whether you are achieving objectives but also in terms of value and learning to the wider business. Mature networks can be in an advantageous position as they will have greater insight and data into trends built up over time. Always ensure there are processes in place to track the value of your network. For example, an annual survey is a great way to evaluate your network and identify future needs.

Our bespoke Network Maturity Report and Development Session helps organisations to elevate network impact – by tracking & measuring progress, identifying key areas for development and helping networks to plan ahead. Contact us today to start your network journey with Radius.

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